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001 (Superseded version or revision)





Preferred name:

metre cubed per hour

Synonymous name:

Short name:



power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour



UN/ECE code: MQH

Definition source:

Definition class:

Base unit:

Unit structure:

m³ s⁻¹

Unit in text:

metre cubed per hour

Unit in SGML/XML:

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"> <!-- UAA763 --> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">h</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math>
m 3 h

UN/ECE code:

Unit conversion:


Data object identifier:

Time stamp:

Applicable properties:

0112/2///61987#ABD547 - calculated flow coefficient Fp Kv
0112/2///61987#ABA352 - upper range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA351 - lower range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA348 - lower range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA350 - upper range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA338 - upper range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA331 - lower range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA337 - lower range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA332 - upper range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA936 - maximum design continuous load
0112/2///61987#ABB331 - maximum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB330 - maximum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB328 - minimum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB327 - minimum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB557 - minimum span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB558 - minimum span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB565 - calibrated span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB567 - calibrated span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB634 - steady state fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABB635 - load characteristic
0112/2///61987#ABB736 - inaccuracy of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB734 - accuracy of normalized volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABB735 - measured error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB737 - zero point error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB729 - zero point error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB733 - inaccuracy of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB728 - measured error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB768 - non-repeatability of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB941 - maximum fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABD587 - flow coefficient Kv at full cross section
0112/2///61987#ABD588 - flow coefficient Kv in case of failure
0112/2///61987#ABD548 - calculated flow coefficient Kv
0112/2///61987#ABD640 - maximum output capacity for a double acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD643 - maximum stem leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD639 - maximum output capacity for a diaphragm or single acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD632 - maximum leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD696 - rated flow coefficient Kvs
0112/2///61987#ABD682 - output capacity for filling/pressurizing
0112/2///61987#ABD683 - output capacity for venting
0112/2///61987#ABE379 - flow value
0112/2///61987#ABE653 - typical normalized fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABE652 - typical fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABF588 - maximum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF587 - recommended minimum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF644 - upper-range limit of normal volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABH542 - input value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH543 - input value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH574 - value of normalized volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH572 - value of actual volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH573 - value of normalized volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH571 - value of actual volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH695 - value of normalized volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABH696 - value of actual volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABB566 - set span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB292 - normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB564 - set span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB291 - actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABN698 - volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABA123 - upper limiting value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB727 - accuracy of actual volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABA124 - upper limiting value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB740 - set upper range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB739 - set lower range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB731 - set lower range end-value of interval of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB732 - set upper range end-value of interval of actual volume flow

Applicable list of units:

0112/2///61987#ABT504 - Volume flow rate
0112/2///62720#UAD239 - volume flow rate

Status level:


Published in:

Version initiation date:


Version release date:


Revision release date:


Responsible Committee:

Change request ID:











Nom préféré:

Nom synonyme:

Nom court:




Source de définition:

Definition class:

Base unit:

Unit structure:

m³ s⁻¹

Unit in text:

metre cubed per hour

Unit in SGML/XML:

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"> <!-- UAA763 --> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">h</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math>

UN/ECE code:

Unit conversion:


Data object identifier:

Time stamp:

Applicable properties:

0112/2///61987#ABD547 - calculated flow coefficient Fp Kv
0112/2///61987#ABA352 - valeur supérieure d'étendue de débit normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABA351 - valeur de plage inférieure du débit normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABA348 - valeur de plage inférieure du débit réel
0112/2///61987#ABA350 - valeur supérieure d'étendue de débit réel
0112/2///61987#ABA338 - limite supérieure d'étendue de débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABA331 - limite de plage inférieure du débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABA337 - limite de plage inférieure du débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABA332 - limite supérieure d'étendue de débit volumique réel
0112/2///61987#ABA936 - charge de calcul continue maximale
0112/2///61987#ABB331 - débit volume normalisé maximal
0112/2///61987#ABB330 - débit volumique réel maximal
0112/2///61987#ABB328 - débit volumique normalisé minimal
0112/2///61987#ABB327 - débit volumique réel minimal
0112/2///61987#ABB557 - envergure minimale pour le débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB558 - envergure minimale pour le débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB565 - envergure étalonnée pour le débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB567 - envergure étalonnée pour le débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB634 - consommation statique de fluide
0112/2///61987#ABB635 - caractéristique de charge
0112/2///61987#ABB736 - imprécision du débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB734 - précision du débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB735 - erreur mesurée du débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB737 - erreur de point zéro de débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB729 - erreur de point zéro de débit volumique réel
0112/2///61987#ABB733 - imprécision du débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB728 - erreur mesurée du débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB768 - non-répétabilité du débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB941 - consommation maximale de fluide
0112/2///61987#ABD587 - flow coefficient Kv at full cross section
0112/2///61987#ABD588 - flow coefficient Kv in case of failure
0112/2///61987#ABD548 - calculated flow coefficient Kv
0112/2///61987#ABD640 - maximum output capacity for a double acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD643 - maximum stem leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD639 - maximum output capacity for a diaphragm or single acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD632 - maximum leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD696 - rated flow coefficient Kvs
0112/2///61987#ABD682 - output capacity for filling/pressurizing
0112/2///61987#ABD683 - output capacity for venting
0112/2///61987#ABE379 - flow value
0112/2///61987#ABE653 - typical normalized fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABE652 - typical fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABF588 - maximum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF587 - recommended minimum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF644 - upper-range limit of normal volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABH542 - input value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH543 - input value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH574 - value of normalized volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH572 - value of actual volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH573 - value of normalized volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH571 - value of actual volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH695 - value of normalized volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABH696 - value of actual volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABB566 - intervalle de mesure de réglage pour le débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB292 - débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB564 - intervalle de mesure de réglage pour le débit volumique réel
0112/2///61987#ABB291 - débit volumique réel
0112/2///61987#ABN698 - volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABA123 - valeur de limite supérieure du débit volumique réel
0112/2///61987#ABB727 - précision du débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABA124 - valeur de limite supérieure du débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB740 - valeur d’extrémité supérieure d’étendue d’intervalle de débit volumique normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB739 - valeur inférieure d'extrémité de plage d'intervalle de débit volume normalisé
0112/2///61987#ABB731 - valeur inférieure d'extrémité de plage d'intervalle de débit volume réel
0112/2///61987#ABB732 - valeur d’extrémité supérieure d’étendue d’intervalle de débit volumique réel

Applicable list of units:

0112/2///61987#ABT504 - Volume flow rate
0112/2///62720#UAD239 - volume flow rate



Publié dans:

Version, date d'initialisation:


Version, date de publication:


Revision release date:


Responsible Committee:

Change request ID:











Bevorzugter Name:






Quelle der Definition:

Definition class:

Base unit:

Unit structure:

m³ s⁻¹

Unit in text:

metre cubed per hour

Unit in SGML/XML:

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"> <!-- UAA763 --> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">h</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math>

UN/ECE code:

Unit conversion:


Data object identifier:

Time stamp:

Applicable properties:

0112/2///61987#ABD547 - berechneter Fp Kv-Wert
0112/2///61987#ABA352 - Bereichsendwert für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA351 - Bereichsanfangswert für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA348 - Bereichsanfangswert für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA350 - Bereichsendwert für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA338 - Messbereichsende Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA331 - Messbereichsanfang Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA337 - Messbereichsanfang Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA332 - Messbereichsende Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABA936 - maximaler Auslegungsdauerlast
0112/2///61987#ABB331 - maximaler Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB330 - maximaler Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB328 - minimaler Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB327 - minimaler Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB557 - minimale Spanne für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB558 - minimale Spanne für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB565 - kalibrierte Spanne für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB567 - kalibrierte Spanne für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB634 - kontinuierlicher Verbrauch an pneumatischem/hydraulischem Medium
0112/2///61987#ABB635 - Bürdencharakteristik
0112/2///61987#ABB736 - Unsicherheit des Normvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB734 - Genauigkeit des Normvolumendurchflussmessgeräts
0112/2///61987#ABB735 - maximale Messabweichung des Normvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB737 - Messabweichung des Nullpunkts des Normvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB729 - Messabweichung des Nullpunkts des Betriebsvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB733 - Unsicherheit des Betriebsvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB728 - maximale Messabweichung des Betriebsvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB768 - Nichtwiederholbarkeit des Betriebsvolumendurchflusses
0112/2///61987#ABB941 - maximaler Bedarf an pneumatischer oder hydraulischer Hilfsenergie
0112/2///61987#ABD587 - Kv-Wert bei vollem Querschnitt
0112/2///61987#ABD588 - Kv-Wert im Versagensfall
0112/2///61987#ABD548 - berechneter Kv-Wert
0112/2///61987#ABD640 - maximale Ausgangskapazität für einen Antrieb mit doppelt wirkendem Zylinder
0112/2///61987#ABD643 - maximale Leckrate nach außen
0112/2///61987#ABD639 - maximale Ausgangskapazität für einen Antrieb mit Membran oder einfach wirkendem Zylinder
0112/2///61987#ABD632 - maximale Leckrate
0112/2///61987#ABD696 - Durchflusskoeffizient Kvs
0112/2///61987#ABD682 - Ausgangskapazität bei Befüllung/beim Aufpressen
0112/2///61987#ABD683 - Ausgangskapazität bei Entlüftung
0112/2///61987#ABE379 - Durchflusswert
0112/2///61987#ABE653 - typischer Normvolumen-Mediumsverbrauch
0112/2///61987#ABE652 - typischer Mediumsverbrauch
0112/2///61987#ABF588 - maximaler Volumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABF587 - empfohlener Mindest-Volumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABF644 - Bereichsende Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH542 - Eingangswert für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH543 - Eingangswert für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH574 - Anzeigewerte für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH572 - Anzeigewerte für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH573 - Wert des Digitalausgangs für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH571 - Wert des Digitalausgangs für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH695 - Wert der Schleichmengenunterdrückung für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABH696 - Wert der Schleichmengenunterdrückung für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB566 - eingestellte Spanne für Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB292 - Normvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB564 - eingestellte Spanne für Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABB291 - Betriebsvolumendurchfluss
0112/2///61987#ABN698 - Volumenstrom
0112/2///61987#ABA123 - obere Betriebsvolumendurchflussgrenze
0112/2///61987#ABB727 - Genauigkeit des Betriebsvolumendurchflussmessgeräts
0112/2///61987#ABA124 - obere Normvolumendurchflussgrenze
0112/2///61987#ABB740 - eingestellter Endwert des Intervalls für Normvolumen
0112/2///61987#ABB739 - eingestellter Anfangswert des Intervalls für Normvolumen
0112/2///61987#ABB731 - eingestellter Anfangswert des Intervalls für Betriebsvolumen
0112/2///61987#ABB732 - eingestellter Endwert des Intervalls für Betriebsvolumen

Applicable list of units:

0112/2///61987#ABT504 - Volumendurchsatz
0112/2///62720#UAD239 - volume flow rate



Veröffentlicht in:

Version, Veranlassungsdatum:


Version, Freigabedatum:


Revision release date:


Responsible Committee:

Change request ID:


















Definition class:

Base unit:

Unit structure:

m³ s⁻¹

Unit in text:

metre cubed per hour

Unit in SGML/XML:

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"> <!-- UAA763 --> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">h</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math>

UN/ECE code:

Unit conversion:


Data object identifier:

Time stamp:

Applicable properties:

0112/2///61987#ABD547 - calculated flow coefficient Fp Kv
0112/2///61987#ABA352 - upper range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA351 - lower range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA348 - lower range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA350 - upper range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA338 - upper range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA331 - lower range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA337 - lower range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA332 - upper range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA936 - maximum design continuous load
0112/2///61987#ABB331 - maximum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB330 - maximum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB328 - minimum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB327 - minimum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB557 - minimum span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB558 - minimum span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB565 - calibrated span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB567 - calibrated span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB634 - steady state fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABB635 - load characteristic
0112/2///61987#ABB736 - inaccuracy of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB734 - accuracy of normalized volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABB735 - measured error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB737 - zero point error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB729 - zero point error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB733 - inaccuracy of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB728 - measured error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB768 - non-repeatability of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB941 - maximum fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABD587 - flow coefficient Kv at full cross section
0112/2///61987#ABD588 - flow coefficient Kv in case of failure
0112/2///61987#ABD548 - calculated flow coefficient Kv
0112/2///61987#ABD640 - maximum output capacity for a double acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD643 - maximum stem leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD639 - maximum output capacity for a diaphragm or single acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD632 - maximum leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD696 - rated flow coefficient Kvs
0112/2///61987#ABD682 - output capacity for filling/pressurizing
0112/2///61987#ABD683 - output capacity for venting
0112/2///61987#ABE379 - flow value
0112/2///61987#ABE653 - typical normalized fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABE652 - typical fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABF588 - maximum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF587 - recommended minimum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF644 - upper-range limit of normal volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABH542 - input value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH543 - input value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH574 - value of normalized volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH572 - value of actual volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH573 - value of normalized volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH571 - value of actual volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH695 - value of normalized volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABH696 - value of actual volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABB566 - set span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB292 - normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB564 - set span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB291 - actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABN698 - volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABA123 - upper limiting value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB727 - accuracy of actual volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABA124 - upper limiting value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB740 - set upper range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB739 - set lower range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB731 - set lower range end-value of interval of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB732 - set upper range end-value of interval of actual volume flow

Applicable list of units:

0112/2///61987#ABT504 - Volume flow rate
0112/2///62720#UAD239 - volume flow rate








Revision release date:


Responsible Committee:

Change request ID:



















Base unit:

Unit structure:

m³ s⁻¹

Unit in text:

metre cubed per hour

Unit in SGML/XML:

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"> <!-- UAA763 --> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">h</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math>

Unit conversion:


Data object identifier:

Time stamp:

Applicable properties:

0112/2///61987#ABD547 - calculated flow coefficient Fp Kv
0112/2///61987#ABA352 - upper range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA351 - lower range-value of normalized flow
0112/2///61987#ABA348 - lower range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA350 - upper range-value of actual flow
0112/2///61987#ABA338 - upper range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA331 - lower range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA337 - lower range-limit of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA332 - upper range-limit of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABA936 - maximum design continuous load
0112/2///61987#ABB331 - maximum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB330 - maximum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB328 - minimum normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB327 - minimum actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB557 - minimum span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB558 - minimum span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB565 - calibrated span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB567 - calibrated span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB634 - steady state fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABB635 - load characteristic
0112/2///61987#ABB736 - inaccuracy of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB734 - accuracy of normalized volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABB735 - measured error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB737 - zero point error of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB729 - zero point error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB733 - inaccuracy of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB728 - measured error of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB768 - non-repeatability of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB941 - maximum fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABD587 - flow coefficient Kv at full cross section
0112/2///61987#ABD588 - flow coefficient Kv in case of failure
0112/2///61987#ABD548 - calculated flow coefficient Kv
0112/2///61987#ABD640 - maximum output capacity for a double acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD643 - maximum stem leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD639 - maximum output capacity for a diaphragm or single acting cylinder actuator
0112/2///61987#ABD632 - maximum leakage rate
0112/2///61987#ABD696 - rated flow coefficient Kvs
0112/2///61987#ABD682 - output capacity for filling/pressurizing
0112/2///61987#ABD683 - output capacity for venting
0112/2///61987#ABE379 - flow value
0112/2///61987#ABE653 - typical normalized fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABE652 - typical fluid consumption
0112/2///61987#ABF588 - maximum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF587 - recommended minimum volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABF644 - upper-range limit of normal volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABH542 - input value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH543 - input value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABH574 - value of normalized volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH572 - value of actual volume flow indicator/display
0112/2///61987#ABH573 - value of normalized volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH571 - value of actual volume flow digital output
0112/2///61987#ABH695 - value of normalized volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABH696 - value of actual volume flow low flow cut-off
0112/2///61987#ABB566 - set span for normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB292 - normalized volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABB564 - set span for actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB291 - actual volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABN698 - volume flow rate
0112/2///61987#ABA123 - upper limiting value of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB727 - accuracy of actual volume flow measuring instrument
0112/2///61987#ABA124 - upper limiting value of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB740 - set upper range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB739 - set lower range end-value of interval of normalized volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB731 - set lower range end-value of interval of actual volume flow
0112/2///61987#ABB732 - set upper range end-value of interval of actual volume flow

Applicable list of units:

0112/2///61987#ABT504 - Volume flow rate
0112/2///62720#UAD239 - volume flow rate


Superseded (to be translated)











Version history

002-01 (2023-11-07 12:19:46 by BATCH 00001255) standard


Web page created 2025-01-12
Copyright © 2025 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved