type of superconducting device that uses the local resistive change in a long superconducting strip caused by measurand energy deposition
Note 1 to entry: The term “nanowire” instead of "strip" for this type of device is not recommended, since one of the two external dimensions of superconductors with the third external dimension significantly larger often exceeds the nanoscale defined in IEV 511-01-03. The term "nanowire" is defined in IEV 511-01-24 as an "electrically conducting or semi-conducting nanofibre". The term "nanofibre" is defined in IEV 511-01-10 as "nano-object with two external dimensions in the nanoscale [length range approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm] and the third external dimension significantly larger". The term “strip” includes all dimensions of this device type. Note 2 to entry: The dimensions of the superconducting strip type meet the definition of "nanoribbon" (synonym "nanotape") in ISO/TS 80004-2:2015, 4.10. "Nanoribbons" and "nanotapes" have one external dimension in the nanoscale and the other two external dimensions are significantly larger (typically by more than 3 times). In addition, the two larger dimensions significantly differ from each other. The term "nanostrip" is preferable to "nanoribbon" and "nanotape" for superconductor electronic devices, so the term “superconductor nanostrip detector” can be used if applicable.