Language:enStatus: Standard
Term: administrative delay
Definition: delay to maintenance action incurred for administrative reasons

time interval

up time

down time

enabled time

externally disabled time

enabled time

down time

operating time

non-operating time

operating time

non-operating time

idle time

standby time

externally disabled time

preventive maintenance time

time to restoration

corrective maintenance time

fault detection time

administrative delay

maintenance time

NOTE 1: All times mentioned in the figure are time intervals or sequences of time intervals.

NOTE 2: Each time interval can be defined as required time (IEV 192-02-08) or as non-required time (IEV 192-02-09).

NOTE 3: In some cases, it may be possible to perform some maintenance when an item (IEV 192-01-01) remains functioning as required, see also on-line maintenance (IEV 192-06-30). To keep Figure 1 simple, the time associated with such maintenance is not addressed in the figure.

IEV Part 192 - Figure 1 - Time intervals related to operation and maintenance

maintenance time

corrective maintenance time

preventive maintenance time

logistic delay

active maintenance time

logistic delay

active corrective maintenance time

active preventive maintenance time

technical delay

fault localization time

fault diagnosis time

fault correction time

function checkout time

technical delay

preventive maintenance action time

function checkout time


repair time


NOTE All times mentioned in the figure are time intervals (IEV 113-01-10) or sequences of time intervals.

IEV Part 192 - Figure 2 – Maintenance time intervals

Publication date:2024-07-19
Internal notes:2024-04-10 Updated table code (Sanna) and 2024-07-19
CO remarks:
TC/SC remarks:
VT remarks: