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IEVref: | 103-08-14 |  | ID: |
Language: | en |  | Status: Standard |
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Term: | <i>p</i>-fractile, <of a probability distribution>
Synonym1: | <i>p</i>-quantile, <of a probability distribution> |  |  |
Synonym2: | |  |  |
Synonym3: | |  |  |
Symbol: |
Definition: | for a number p between 0 and 1, value of a random variable for which the distribution function equals p or jumps from a value less than or equal to p to a value greater than p
Publication date: | 2009-12 |
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Replaces: | |
Internal notes: | 2017-02-20: Editorial revisions in accordance with the information provided in C00020 (IEV 103) - evaluation. JGO |
CO remarks: |
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