Language:enStatus: Standard
Term: spectral mismatch correction factor, <for a photometer>
Synonym1: colour correction factor
Symbol: F*
Definition: factor by which the readings of a physical photometer can be multiplied in order to correct for the error caused by differences between the relative spectral responsivity of the photometer and the spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision, V(λ), that it is intended to simulate when the photometer is used to measure a source having a relative spectral distribution different from that of the source with which the photometer was calibrated

Note 1 to entry: Most photometers are designed to simulate the spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision, V(λ), and are calibrated using a source corresponding to CIE standard illuminant A. For such a photometer, the spectral mismatch correction factor can be calculated using the equation:

F * = λ S(λ)V(λ)dλ λ S(λ) s rel (λ)dλ λ S A (λ) s rel (λ)dλ λ S A (λ)V(λ)dλ MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbbjxAHX garuavP1wzZbItLDhis9wBH5garmWu51MyVXgaruWqVvNCPvMCG4uz 3bqee0evGueE0jxyaibaieYdi9WrpeeC0lXdh9vqqj=hEeea0xXdbb a9frFj0=OqFfea0dXdd9vqaq=JfrVkFHe9pgea0dXdar=Jb9hs0dXd bPYxe9vr0=vr0=vqpWqaaeaaciWacmGadaGadeaaeaGaauaaaOqaai aadAeadaahaaWcbeqcbaCaaiaacQcaaaGccqGH9aqpdaWcaaqaamaa pefabaGaam4uaiaacIcacqaH7oaBcaGGPaGaamOvaiaacIcacqaH7o aBcaGGPaGaaiizaiabeU7aSbWcbaGaeq4UdWgabeqdcqGHRiI8aaGc baWaa8quaeaacaWGtbGaaiikaiabeU7aSjaacMcacaWGZbWaaSbaaS qaaiaackhacaGGLbGaaiiBaaqabaGccaGGOaGaeq4UdWMaaiykaiaa csgacqaH7oaBaSqaaiabeU7aSbqab0Gaey4kIipaaaGcdaWcaaqaam aapefabaGaam4uamaaBaaaleaacaGGbbaabeaakiaacIcacqaH7oaB caGGPaGaam4CamaaBaaaleaacaGGYbGaaiyzaiaacYgaaeqaaOGaai ikaiabeU7aSjaacMcacaGGKbGaeq4UdWgaleaacqaH7oaBaeqaniab gUIiYdaakeaadaWdrbqaaiaadofadaWgaaWcbaGaaiyqaaqabaGcca GGOaGaeq4UdWMaaiykaiaadAfacaGGOaGaeq4UdWMaaiykaiaacsga cqaH7oaBaSqaaiabeU7aSbqab0Gaey4kIipaaaaaaa@7CAD@

where srel(λ) is the relative spectral responsivity of the photometer and S(λ) and SA(λ) are the respective relative spectral power distributions of the source to be measured and CIE standard illuminant A.

Note 2 to entry: The term "colour correction factor" is no longer used.

Note 3 to entry: The term spectral mismatch correction factor can also be applied to other detectors whose response is intended to simulate a particular observer function, such as actinic radiometers.

Note 4 to entry: The spectral mismatch correction factor has unit one.

Publication date:2020-12
Internal notes:
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