Definition: | potential source of harm
Note 1 to entry: In English, the term “hazard” can be qualified in order to define the origin of the hazard or the nature of the expected harm (e.g. “electric shock hazard”, “crushing hazard”, “cutting hazard”, “toxic hazard”, “fire hazard”, “drowning hazard”).
Note 2 to entry: In French, the synonym “risque” is used together with a qualifier or a complement to define the origin of the hazard or the nature of the expected harm (e.g. “risque de choc électrique”, “risque d'écrasement”, “risque de coupure”, “risque toxique”, “risque d'incendie”, “risque de noyade”).
Note 3 to entry: In French, the term “risque” also denotes the combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm, in English “risk” (see 903-01-07).