Area |
Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters / Basic concepts |
IEV ref |
417-01-12 |
en |
technical resource, <in marine energy> |
proportion of the theoretical resource that can be captured using existing technology options without consideration of external constraints |
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62600-1:2020, 3.43.2] |
fr |
ressource technique, <en énergie hydraulique> f |
proportion de la ressource théorique que les possibilités techniques existantes permettent de capter sans prendre en considération les contraintes externes |
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62600-1:2020, 3.43.2] |
ar |
مصادر بيانات الأرصاد التقنية, <في الطاقة البحرية> |
de |
technisches Potential, <in Meeresenergie> n |
es |
recurso técnico, <en energía marina> m |
ko |
기술적 자원량, <해양에너지> |
ja |
技術的利用可能資源量, <海洋エネルギー> |
pl |
zasoby techniczne, <w energetyce morskiej> m pl |
pt |
recurso técnico, <em energia hidraúlica> |
zh |
技术资源, <海洋能> |