Area |
Equipment for explosive atmospheres / Physical and chemical phenomena |
IEV ref |
426-02-38 |
en |
minimum ignition energy MIE |
minimum energy that can ignite a mixture of a specified flammable material with air, measured by a standard procedure Note 1 to entry: See ASTM E582, Standard Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy and Quenching Distance in Gaseous Mixtures, for gases and vapours, ISO/IEC 80079-20-2, Explosive atmospheres – Part 20-2: Material characteristics – Combustible dusts test methods, ASTM E2019, Standard Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy of a Dust Cloud in Air, and EN 13821, Potentially explosive atmospheres — Explosion prevention and protection — Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures, for dust clouds. |
fr |
énergie minimale d'inflammation, f MIE |
énergie minimale pouvant enflammer un mélange d'un matériau inflammable spécifié avec l'air, selon une procédure normalisée Note 1 à l'article: Voir la norme ASTM E582, Standard Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy and Quenching Distance in Gaseous Mixtures, pour de plus amples informations sur les gaz et les vapeurs, et voir l'ISO/IEC 80079-20-2, Explosive atmospheres – Part 20-2: Material characteristics – Combustible dusts test methods, l'ASTM E2019, Standard Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy of a Dust Cloud in Air, et l'EN 13821, Potentially explosive atmospheres — Explosion prevention and protection — Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures, pour de plus amples informations sur les nuages de poussière. |
ar |
اقل طاقة إشتعال |
cs |
minimální zápalná energie MIE |
de |
Mindestzündenergie, f MIE |
es |
energía mínima de inflamación, f |
it |
energia minima di accensione MIE |
ja |
最小着火エネルギー |
no |
nb |
minimum tennenergi (MIE) |
pl |
minimalna energia zapłonu, f |
pt |
energia mínima de ignição |
ru |
минимальная энергия воспламенения минимальная энергия зажигания |
zh |
最小点燃能量 MIE |