Section 192-01: Basic concepts | |
| 192-01-01 | | item | |
| 192-01-02 | | sub item | |
| 192-01-03 | | system, <in dependability> | |
| 192-01-04 | | subsystem, <in dependability> | |
| 192-01-05 | | indenture level | |
| 192-01-06 | | hardware | |
| 192-01-07 | | software | |
| 192-01-08 | | process, <in dependability> | |
| 192-01-09 | | life cycle | |
| 192-01-10 | | life cycle cost, <of an item> | |
| 192-01-11 | | repairable item | |
| 192-01-12 | | non-repairable item | |
| 192-01-13 | | requirement | |
| 192-01-14 | | required function | |
| 192-01-15 | | conformity | |
| 192-01-16 | | nonconformity | |
| 192-01-17 | | verification | |
| 192-01-18 | | validation | |
| 192-01-19 | | modification | |
| 192-01-20 | | degradation | |
| 192-01-21 | | durability, <of an item> | |
| 192-01-22 | | dependability | |
| 192-01-23 | | availability | |
| 192-01-24 | | reliability | |
| 192-01-25 | | recoverability | |
| 192-01-26 | | self-recoverability | |
| 192-01-27 | | maintainability | |
| 192-01-28 | | maintenance support | |
| 192-01-29 | | maintenance support performance | |
| 192-01-30 | | integrated logistic support, <of an item> | |
| 192-01-31 | | supportability | |
| 192-01-32 | | system software | |
| 192-01-33 | | application software | |
| 192-01-34 | | computer program | |
| 192-01-35 | | firmware | |
| 192-01-36 | | embedded software | |
| 192-01-37 | | life profile | |
| 192-01-38 | | robustness | |
| 192-01-39 | | support, <in dependability> | |
| 192-01-40 | | resilience | |
Section 192-02: States and times | |
| 192-02-01 | | up state | |
| 192-02-02 | | up time | |
| 192-02-03 | | accumulated up time | |
| 192-02-04 | | operating state | |
| 192-02-05 | | operating time | |
| 192-02-06 | | non-operating state | |
| 192-02-07 | | non-operating time | |
| 192-02-08 | | required time | |
| 192-02-09 | | non-required time | |
| 192-02-10 | | standby state | |
| 192-02-11 | | cold standby state | |
| 192-02-12 | | hot standby state | |
| 192-02-13 | | standby time | |
| 192-02-14 | | idle state | |
| 192-02-15 | | idle time | |
| 192-02-16 | | enabled state | |
| 192-02-17 | | enabled time | |
| 192-02-18 | | disabled state | |
| 192-02-19 | | disabled time | |
| 192-02-20 | | down state | |
| 192-02-21 | | down time | |
| 192-02-22 | | accumulated down time | |
| 192-02-23 | | externally disabled state | |
| 192-02-24 | | externally disabled time | |
| 192-02-25 | | degraded state | |
| 192-02-26 | | hazardous state, <of an item> | |
| 192-02-27 | | useful life, <of an item> | |
| 192-02-28 | | early life failure period | |
| 192-02-29 | | constant failure intensity period | |
| 192-02-30 | | constant failure rate period | |
| 192-02-31 | | wear-out failure period | |
Section 192-03: Reliability related concepts: failures | |
| 192-03-01 | | failure, <of an item> | |
| 192-03-02 | | error | |
| 192-03-03 | | failure criterion | |
| 192-03-04 | | complete failure | |
| 192-03-05 | | partial failure | |
| 192-03-06 | | primary failure | |
| 192-03-07 | | secondary failure | |
| 192-03-08 | | failure effect | |
| 192-03-09 | | criticality, <of a fault or failure> | |
| 192-03-10 | | systematic failure | |
| 192-03-11 | | failure cause | |
| 192-03-12 | | failure mechanism | |
| 192-03-13 | | failure sequence | |
| 192-03-14 | | human error | |
| 192-03-15 | | wear-out failure | |
| 192-03-16 | | ageing failure | |
| 192-03-17 | | failure mode | |
| 192-03-18 | | common cause failures, pl | |
| 192-03-19 | | common mode failures, <within a system> pl | |
| 192-03-20 | | manifestation, <of a latent fault> | |
| 192-03-21 | | activation, <of a dormant fault> | |
| 192-03-22 | | software failure | |
| 192-03-23 | | trigger, <for a dormant fault> | |
Section 192-04: Reliability related concepts: faults | |
| 192-04-01 | | fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-02 | | software fault | |
| 192-04-03 | | flaw, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-04 | | permanent fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-05 | | transient fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-06 | | intermittent fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-07 | | dormant fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-08 | | latent fault | |
| 192-04-09 | | systematic fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-10 | | specification fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-11 | | design fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-12 | | manufacturing fault, <of an item> | |
| 192-04-13 | | data-sensitive fault, <of a software item> | |
| 192-04-14 | | program-sensitive fault, <of a software item> | |
Section 192-05: Reliability related concepts: measures | |
| 192-05-01 | | operating time to failure | |
| 192-05-02 | | operating time to first failure, <of an item> | |
| 192-05-03 | | time between failures, <of an item> | |
| 192-05-04 | | operating time between failures, <of an item> | |
| 192-05-05 | | reliability, <measure> | |
| 192-05-06 | | instantaneous failure rate | |
| 192-05-07 | | mean failure rate | |
| 192-05-08 | | instantaneous failure intensity | |
| 192-05-09 | | mean failure intensity | |
| 192-05-10 | | asymptotic failure intensity | |
| 192-05-11 | | mean operating time to failure | |
| 192-05-12 | | mean operating time to first failure | |
| 192-05-13 | | mean operating time between failures | |
Section 192-06: Maintenance and maintenance support related concepts | |
| 192-06-01 | | maintenance | |
| 192-06-02 | | maintenance policy | |
| 192-06-03 | | line of maintenance | |
| 192-06-04 | | level of maintenance | |
| 192-06-05 | | preventive maintenance | |
| 192-06-06 | | corrective maintenance | |
| 192-06-07 | | condition-based maintenance | |
| 192-06-08 | | reliability-centred maintenance | |
| 192-06-09 | | automatic maintenance | |
| 192-06-10 | | deferred maintenance | |
| 192-06-11 | | maintenance action | |
| 192-06-12 | | scheduled maintenance | |
| 192-06-13 | | unscheduled maintenance | |
| 192-06-14 | | repair | |
| 192-06-15 | | software maintenance | |
| 192-06-16 | | adaptive maintenance, <of software> | |
| 192-06-17 | | perfective maintenance, <of software> | |
| 192-06-18 | | fault detection | |
| 192-06-19 | | fault localization | |
| 192-06-20 | | fault diagnosis | |
| 192-06-21 | | fault correction | |
| 192-06-22 | | function checkout | |
| 192-06-23 | | restoration | |
| 192-06-24 | | recovery | |
| 192-06-25 | | self-recovery | |
| 192-06-26 | | on-site maintenance | |
| 192-06-27 | | off-site maintenance | |
| 192-06-28 | | condition monitoring, <of an item> | |
| 192-06-29 | | remote maintenance | |
| 192-06-30 | | on-line maintenance | |
Section 192-07: Maintainability and maintenance support: measures | |
| 192-07-01 | | maintainability, <measure> | |
| 192-07-02 | | maintenance time | |
| 192-07-03 | | maintenance man-hours | |
| 192-07-04 | | active maintenance time | |
| 192-07-05 | | preventive maintenance time | |
| 192-07-06 | | time to restoration, <of an item> | |
| 192-07-07 | | corrective maintenance time | |
| 192-07-08 | | active preventive maintenance time | |
| 192-07-09 | | preventive maintenance action time | |
| 192-07-10 | | active corrective maintenance time | |
| 192-07-11 | | fault detection time | |
| 192-07-12 | | administrative delay | |
| 192-07-13 | | logistic delay | |
| 192-07-14 | | fault correction time | |
| 192-07-15 | | technical delay | |
| 192-07-16 | | function checkout time | |
| 192-07-17 | | fault diagnosis time | |
| 192-07-18 | | fault localization time | |
| 192-07-19 | | repair time | |
| 192-07-20 | | instantaneous repair rate | |
| 192-07-21 | | mean repair time | |
| 192-07-22 | | mean active corrective maintenance time | |
| 192-07-23 | | mean time to restoration | |
| 192-07-24 | | fault coverage | |
| 192-07-25 | | repair coverage | |
| 192-07-26 | | mean administrative delay | |
| 192-07-27 | | mean logistic delay | |
Section 192-08: Availability related measures | |
| 192-08-01 | | instantaneous availability | |
| 192-08-02 | | inherent availability | |
| 192-08-03 | | operational availability | |
| 192-08-04 | | instantaneous unavailability | |
| 192-08-05 | | mean availability | |
| 192-08-06 | | mean unavailability | |
| 192-08-07 | | steady state availability | |
| 192-08-08 | | steady state unavailability | |
| 192-08-09 | | mean up time | |
| 192-08-10 | | mean down time | |
Section 192-09: Concepts related to test, demonstration and improvement | |
| 192-09-01 | | test, <in dependability> | |
| 192-09-02 | | compliance test | |
| 192-09-03 | | acceptance test | |
| 192-09-04 | | qualification test | |
| 192-09-05 | | laboratory test | |
| 192-09-06 | | field test | |
| 192-09-07 | | endurance test | |
| 192-09-08 | | accelerated test | |
| 192-09-09 | | test acceleration factor | |
| 192-09-10 | | step stress test | |
| 192-09-11 | | screening test | |
| 192-09-12 | | regression test | |
| 192-09-13 | | black-box testing | |
| 192-09-14 | | white-box testing | |
| 192-09-15 | | censoring | |
| 192-09-16 | | test cycle | |
| 192-09-17 | | life test | |
| 192-09-18 | | simulation test | |
| 192-09-19 | | reliability stress screening | |
| 192-09-20 | | testability, <of an item> | |
| 192-09-21 | | diagnostic test | |
| 192-09-22 | | static analysis, <of software> | |
| 192-09-23 | | software unit test | |
| 192-09-24 | | software integration test | |
| 192-09-25 | | system test | |
| 192-09-26 | | software trial | |
| 192-09-27 | | software alpha test | |
| 192-09-28 | | software beta test | |
Section 192-10: Design-related dependability concepts | |
| 192-10-01 | | single-point failure | |
| 192-10-02 | | redundancy, <in a system> | |
| 192-10-03 | | active redundancy | |
| 192-10-04 | | standby redundancy | |
| 192-10-05 | | derating, <for reliability enhancement> | |
| 192-10-06 | | fail-safe, <property of a system> adj | |
| 192-10-07 | | fail-soft, <property of a system> adj | |
| 192-10-08 | | fault avoidance | |
| 192-10-09 | | fault tolerance, <of a system> | |
| 192-10-10 | | self-checking | |
| 192-10-11 | | self-testing | |
| 192-10-12 | | m out of n redundancy | |
| 192-10-13 | | diverse redundancy | |
| 192-10-14 | | triple modular redundancy | |
| 192-10-15 | | system reconfiguration | |
| 192-10-16 | | error recovery | |
| 192-10-17 | | backward recovery | |
| 192-10-18 | | forward recovery | |
| 192-10-19 | | recovery block scheme | |
| 192-10-20 | | N-version programming | |
| 192-10-21 | | fault masking | |
| 192-10-22 | | fault masking, <in software> | |
| 192-10-23 | | Fagan inspection | |
Section 192-11: Analysis concepts | |
| 192-11-01 | | prediction | |
| 192-11-02 | | reliability model | |
| 192-11-03 | | reliability block diagram | |
| 192-11-04 | | allocation, <of dependability requirements> | |
| 192-11-05 | | failure modes and effects analysis | |
| 192-11-06 | | failure modes, effects and criticality analysis | |
| 192-11-07 | | fault tree | |
| 192-11-08 | | fault tree analysis | |
| 192-11-09 | | event tree analysis | |
| 192-11-10 | | state-transition diagram | |
| 192-11-11 | | life cycle costing | |
Section 192-12: Dependability improvement related concepts | |
| 192-12-01 | | burn-in | |
| 192-12-02 | | reliability improvement | |
| 192-12-03 | | reliability growth, <of an item> | |
| 192-12-04 | | failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system | |
| 192-12-05 | | root cause analysis | |
| 192-12-06 | | reliability growth testing | |
| 192-12-07 | | formal design review | |
Section 192-13: Measurement concepts and modifiers | |
| 192-13-01 | | true value, <of a quantity> | |
| 192-13-02 | | predicted value, <of a dependability quantity> | |
| 192-13-03 | | expectation, <of a random variable> | |
| 192-13-04 | | estimated value, <of a dependability quantity> | |
| 192-13-05 | | instantaneous value | |
| 192-13-06 | | measure | |
| 192-13-07 | | distribution function | |
| 192-13-08 | | p-fractile, <of a probability distribution> | |
| |